奈及利亞因石油開發而污染 聯合國將進行環境評估 | 環境資訊中心

奈及利亞因石油開發而污染 聯合國將進行環境評估


奈及利亞孩童提著水在火炬氣不遠處。圖為Harcourt 港口附近殼牌石油開發公司的Obigbo油田。Peter Roderick 攝;圖片來源﹕ELAW聯合國兩個部門將共同對奈及利亞奈及三角洲(Niger Delta)奧貢尼(Ogoni)地區因石油工業開發而受影響的地方,進行一個廣泛的環境評估。


這項行動是在奈及利亞共和國聯邦政府向聯合國提出申請之後,由奈國政府主導在奧貢尼蘭地區進行的概括性和平調解程序的一部份。聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)會在奈國地方社區組織及合作者的協助下,與聯合國開發計畫署(UN Development Programme)共同執行這個評估工作。

奧貢尼蘭區域4個地方政府管轄區域的社區已經同意支持UNEP在奈及三角洲的任務。相對的,UNEP也允諾要以最有利於地方社區的方式執行任務,也就是雇用當地人,以及提供能力建設(capacity- builing)的行動、資訊與諮詢服務。

UNEP資深官員們11月5日前往奈及利亞首都阿布加確認這項評估任務的最後工作細節,而這項評估任務預計在2008年底將可完成。UNEP阿布加工作小組會負責與奈及利亞環境部長歐克皮竇博士(Dr S.O. Okopido)、奈國石油外洩偵測與行動部、殼牌石油開發公司奈及利亞分公司、及派駐奈及利亞的聯合國其他部門官員進行持續溝通。

UNEP行政主任史坦納(Achim Steiner)表示:「這項評估任務將會確認、評估、降低石油污染對奧貢尼蘭地區人民、社會、健康及經濟上立即與長期的衝擊,這項評估也將同時考量其對當地環境與經濟上具重要性生態系的影響。」

UN to Assess 300 Oil Polluted Sites in Nigeria's Ogoniland
ABUJA, Nigeria, November 7, 2007 (ENS)

A comprehensive environmental assessment of sites affected by oil development in the Ogoni region of Nigeria's Niger Delta is about to be conducted by two agencies of the United Nations.

Teams of experts will conduct field-based assessments at more than 300 sites to identify the impacts of oil on land, water, agriculture, fisheries and air, as well as the indirect effects on biodiversity and human health.

The move follows a request to the UN by the Federal Republic of Nigeria and forms part of the broader government-led peace and reconciliation process in Ogoniland.

The UN Environment Programme, UNEP, will undertake the assessment in association with the UN Development Programme with the assistances of local communities and partners.

The communities of the four different Local Government Areas in Ogoniland have agreed to support UNEP in its mission to the Niger Delta. In return, UNEP has committed to conduct the mission in a manner that maximizes benefits to local communities through employment, capacity-building activities, information and consultation.

Senior officials from UNEP were in Abuja Monday to seal the final details of the assessment, which is expected to be complete by the end of 2008.
The UNEP team in Abuja will be holding talks with Nigerian environment minister Dr S.O. Okopido; the National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency; the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria, and officials of other UN agencies in the country.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said, "The assessment will seek to identify, evaluate and minimize the immediate and long-term human, social, health and economic impacts of oil contamination in Ogoniland, as well as those related to environmentally and economically important ecosystems".



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.