24小時太陽能不間斷 特斯拉電池讓夏威夷可愛島「日不落」 | 環境資訊中心

24小時太陽能不間斷 特斯拉電池讓夏威夷可愛島「日不落」




特斯拉創辦人暨技術長史陶柏(J.B. Straubel)在啟用典禮上表示,這是一個能讓社區使用100%再生能源的未來計畫,「這是太陽能首次可以24小時供電,並滿足公用事業的需求。」

Tesla。 Kauai Island Utility Cooperative
夏威夷可愛島的巨型太陽能電池。圖片來源:Kauai Island Utility Cooperative。



可愛島公用事業合作社總裁兼執行長畢索(David Bissell)說:「這個計畫對於合作社成員來說非常重要。夜間使用儲存的太陽能電力,能顯著減少燃料輸入需求和溫室氣體排放量。」





Tesla Powers Kauai With Solar Energy After Sunset
LIHUE, Kauai, Hawaii, March 23, 2017 (ENS)

Hawaii’s first utility-scale solar farm that stores solar energy in giant battery packs and delivers it to homes after sunset has opened on the island of Kauai.

The solar power array enables a Kauai utility to increase its renewable energy generation to more than 40 percent due to high-capacity Tesla storage batteries.

The project, commissioned by Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative and owned by Tesla, Inc., is located on 50 acres of land north of Lihue.

The Kauai Island Utility Cooperative increased its solar capacity by connecting Tesla lithium-ion battery storage systems called Powerpacks to the solar farm. Each Powerpack can store 52 megawatts of power.

The solar storage system will feed up to 13 megawatts of electricity into Kauai’s grid to meet peak demand in the evening hours.

The Powerpacks store enough energy to service 4,500 homes during peak night demand. Before this system was built, Kauai’s grid had reached the maximum amount of solar power it could handle.

“The importance of this project for the member-owners of KIUC can’t be overstated,” said the coop’s president and chief executive David Bissell. “By using solar energy stored in the battery after the sun goes down, we will reduce our use of imported fuels and our greenhouse gas emissions significantly.”

Tesla’s chief technical officer and co-founder J.B. Straubel attended the blessing event. He remarked that this is a “future” project that enables communities to reach 100 percent renewable energy.

“For the first time, solar power can deliver 24 hours a day and follow the load when it is needed by the utility,” Straubel said.

Tesla will turn on the massive solar system in phases.

Bissell estimates that the project will displace the use of 1.6 million gallons of diesel annually for the Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative, and will bring the cooperative to more than 40 percent renewable generation.

He said the project also makes financial sense for KIUC. Under the terms of the 20-year contract, KIUC will pay Tesla 13.9 cents per kilowatt hour, which is less than the current cost of oil.

Tesla is diving into solar energy following its acquisition of SolarCity last November. The company also is powering nearly the entire island of Ta’u in American Samoa with solar power and its Powerpacks.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.


